In the heart of Cagliari, in the magnificent Palazzo Boyl, one of the most important noble buildings of the late 800 in town, the restaurant Gli Uffici was born. Distinguished by a beautiful balcony with four sculptures it offers you a suggestive view over the city that is the background to this wonderful place.


Our menu

It’s the color of the leaves that fall on the wet ground It’s the sea breeze that gently caresses your face after the storm It’s the fresh flower bloom in through the green grass It’s the scent of the fig and the fennel brought by the wind It’s the precious cycle of the seasons I like to reach out to; this is the kitchen I love

Chef Tommaso Sanguedolce


La cantina

Great wine is an evolving work of art, never definitively fixed. It feigns immobility and is capable of deceiving time for several decades. Its purpose is to be drunk and to disappear together with the pleasure it provides. It is enough that you have enough bottles in your cellar for the days of old age, and it acquires for you the timelessness of sculpture and painting or the repetitive availability of music and poetry. - Émile Peynaud -

Palazzo Boyl

Palazzo Boyle was built in 1840 by Carlo Pilo Boyl, marquis of Putifigari, artillery general and descendant of Fillippo Pilo Boyl, that helped the Aragoneses to defeat the Pisans and take over the city's fortress in the 14th century. In the late ‘800 the building belonged to the Rossi family, as symbolized by the 'R', carved in some windows. Currently the owners are the Tomassini Barbarossa counts of Marche. The count's offices were located on the second floor of the building characterized by the majestic balcony with the 4 statues (representing the 4 seasons); hence the name of the current restaurant “Gli Uffici”.


Events & private dining

Live the Uffici experience in an intimate and private environment. For every occasion, be it a corporate event, a celebration, a special occasion, our spaces are perfectly suited to every need and desire.